We embrace Justice, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (JDEI) through our research, mentoring, and teaching activities. We are always open to exploring opportunities to recruit diverse talent pools for our collaborative projects. Our vibrant group consists of researchers across diverse career stages and from diverse backgrounds (racial, ethnic, religious, cultural, and gender). We are committed to identifying and removing barriers for intellectual participation in our group by BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and people of color), LGBTQ+, women, and other underrepresented and minority groups. We are actively implementing these Ten Simple Rules for Building an Antiracist Lab (proposed by Chaudhary and Berhe).
We strongly believe in action-oriented initiatives for addressing JEDI within our team and professional networks. Our team members are active in leading, planning, and participating in programs that promote and support students for their diverse career goals and provide coaching and career advice to minority students to succeed in their future endeavors. We are also creating space for diverse stakeholders by working with local (and global) organizations dedicated to helping communities from diverse socio-economic backgrounds, gardeners, farmers, natural resource practitioners from marginalized communities.